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Hand Reaching Out


In all our programs at Trillium Bilingual Montessori, we believe in empowering the child and
guiding the child towards a path of independence, self-discipline and success in every area of his/her
life. We commit to developing and caring for the whole child as a complex human being
learning to one day become a thriving adult. 

Discipline Methods at Trillium Bilingual Montessori
Our main goal for the children at TBM is to have them achieve a level of self-discipline
where teachers are not required to intervene as often to impose external discipline. A 
successful classroom should be functional with minimal interruptions from the teacher,
allowing the children to self-discipline and also allowing them to assist other children
by giving them gentle reminders when needed. This is always done under the surveillance
of the teachers to ensure that children are respecting each other and that it remains
a safe, positive, learning environment. 

When adult intervention is needed, our staff are required to use gentle, non-degrading,
positive and effective discipline methods in all programs in order to keep it consistent and
clear for the children of all ages. We utilize positive discipline methods, redirection, giving
choices, modeling and role playing as well as natural and logical consequences. Our teachers
never use punishment of any kind. We reserve the word 'no' to use in limited situations where
a child is in danger, endangering others or intentionally harming materials, breaking them.


''Positive Discipline is a program developed by Dr. Jane Nelsen. It is based on the
work of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs and designed to teach young people to become
responsible, respectful and resourceful members of their communities.


Children engaging in negative behaviors are often redirected towards a more positive and productive activity.


At TBM, we encourage and allow children to make choices whenever possible.


As part of our Montessori environment, teachers will take opportunities when they happen, to guide children through a situation by modeling or role playing for them.


A natural consequence is anything that happens naturally, with no teacher interference.


Logical consequences are different from natural consequences since they require the intervention of an adult.

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