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The First Day

Childcare Is A BIG Decision

Choosing the perfect childcare center and program for your child and your family is probably one of the biggest decisions that you have made for your child thus far. 

It is not only a difficult decision to make, it is a big adjustment for everyone in the family. It's a new routine for everyone, a new environment and new people to get to know. And of course (maybe) it's the first time your child is away from you for this long of a period. 

The realization that your child will now have a 'life' outside of your 'family bubble' is one that can be overwhelming for many parents.

At TBM, we recognize this and want to minimize your anxiety and stress as much as possible. 

Prepare Yourself

Prepare yourself mentally for the potential tears Most children cry no more than a few minutes, the educators will help them through it Mentally walk through the process Make sure you are confident and positive Do not let your child see your anxiety (and sadness) Keep the positive front until you are away from your child’s gaze  Don't be alarmed if you feel a wave of emotions when dropping off your child (especially the first time); some anxiety or tears may happen, just don't let your child see them.  Don't worry, we will do a 10:00-10:30 check in with you on their first day and will be happy to give you a quick update any other time you need one-keep it to one in the morning and one in the afternoon, for the first week, so not to overwhelm the educators You will get daily photos (short blurbs) in the afternoons

Prepare Your Child

Talk to your child about going to childcare/school Verbally talk your child through the steps of dropping them off Have a visual schedule for them to follow (in the morning) Practice ‘saying goodbye’; play the ‘drop-off game’ Establish a routine or a little ritual; a special kiss or hug or handshake to do at drop-off

Tips to Ease Transitions

Send a comfort item with your child Buy a special ‘stay-at-daycare/school’ stuffed animal Send a photograph of your family or Mommy and Daddy with the child Send a shirt, scarf, gloves, hat that belongs to Mom or Dad (that smells like you) Children do better with routine and consistency; ideally, keep the same routine daily (children should attend daily programming if they struggle with changes) Have the same parent do drop-off and the same parent do the pick-up daily If someone different is doing a pick-up, let their teachers know so they can tell your child ahead of time

Children Books

Transitions are difficult for children. New routines, new surroundings and new people can create some anxiety, especially if this is your child's first experience at being away from you. There are many children's books on saying goodbye to parents, going to childcare or general separation anxiety. Here are a few of our favorites: Children Books About Saying Goodbye And Separation Anxiety -The Kissing Hand -The Invisible String -I Love You All Day Long -Llama Llama Misses Mama

Before the First Day


Every child is different, some will adapt quickly others may take longer and both are acceptable  Your stress and reaction towards the situation will affect your child's reaction Do not leave without saying goodbye to your child, this will increase their anxiety A short, precise goodbye works best Consistency and routine is important for children to feel secure. Drop-off and pick-up at the same time daily is optimal. (Dropping off at the same time daily means that your child joins the group during a certain activity or while certain children are there before them. If things are out of order, they know.)  If your pick-up time is different or the person picking up is different, let the teachers know so we can pass the message along to your child and minimize their anxiety. (If you are not there at the same time daily, they may not be able to read the clock, but they know that 'after snack' Dad comes and you are not there, it causes some children a lot of worry.) We are professionals educators, we are use to and deal with this exact situation VERY often Staff will ensure your child is not in distress and will keep them comforted as long as it takes for them to be calm and feel secure We do not rush children into any activities, groups or interactions, we allow them to observe and approach at their own pace Some children may 'do well' and have no or very little tears for the first week and 'all of a sudden' go through difficult drop-offs. It's almost like a 'delayed reaction' and when they realize that they will continue to come to the school, they have a reaction. Again, it's something we see often.  Every child adjusts and is successful at separating from their parents. (We have yet to see a child who cannot become independent. However, we have seen parents who are unable or not ready to let their child become independent from them, that's different.) You want to show a confident and secure body language and words. (Breakdowns and tears to be kept out of view of the children. If you feel like or need to cry (totally understandable reaction to an emotional situation by the way), wait until your child is out of view. If you need support, our educators can support you, the parent, just as well. We understand that it is a difficult thing to see our child cry and not want you to leave and the many of us who are parents have been through it also.) Every other parent who has a child in childcare or school has been through the same emotions as you. Reach out to your parent friends for support.  Don't be embarrassed or ashamed, we have seen it all before...

The First Day

The front door is unlocked between 7:00-10:00 daily The front door is locked between 10:00-6:00 daily To enter the school, please ring the doorbell Wait for someone to "buzz" the door When you hear the buzzer, pull the handle Please allow a few minutes if we are not expecting your arrival for someone to buzz the door.  During the pick-up times of 3:00-6:00, the waiting to enter the school should be quicker since we have a designated staff answering the door.  Please remember, the educators must keep an eye on all the children and cannot be standing at the door for more than a minute or two​ The morning staff arrives before 7:00 to open the school and the classrooms, however, parents and children will not be allowed in until 7:00 when the doors unlock. Please respect the 7:00 opening time and do not ask the staff to drop off early or enter the building before then.

​We encourage you to allow children to walk-in on their own instead of doing "an arm to arm hand-off"  Children are dropped of at the classroom door Knock on the door. Do not open the door.  children often run to the door or stand behind the door​ to avoid hitting a child with the door​ to avoid children getting out of the room The educators will welcome your child at the door​ Give any bags, items you need to hand-off to the educator first​​ Say goodbye to your child at the door, a quick goodbye and allow your child to enter the classroom with the educator allow your child to walk-in on their own (if possible) if your child refuses to walk-in, the educator will ask your child to come to them if your child clings on to you, the educator will help by taking them into their arms Please remember, the educators must keep an eye on all the children and cannot be standing at the door for more than a minute or two​

​The Casa children have their hooks in the hallways. Have your child take off their outside clothing and footwear.  Hang up any change of clothes or put them in their bins.  Have them bring their indoor shoes  and water bottle (if they have it) with them to the classroom. They can put them on in the classroom. It's an important skill for them to learn.  Please allow your child to walk-in on their own. This develops their independence and sets a visual reminder (doorway) that a transition is occurring.  Children are dropped of at the classroom door. Knock on the door if the door is shut. Do not open the door.  children often run to the door or stand behind the door​ to avoid hitting a child with the door​ to avoid children getting out of the room The educators will welcome your child at the door​ Give any items that need to be in the classroom to the educator before saying goodbye. (water bottles, diapers/pull-ups, creams, medication, etc.)​​ Say goodbye to your child at the door, a quick goodbye and allow your child to enter the classroom with the educator​​ if your child refuses to walk-in, the educator will ask your child to come to them if your child clings on to you, the educator will help by taking them into their arms Please remember, the educators must keep an eye on all the children and cannot be standing at the door for more than a minute or two​

PreCasa Children

Drop-Off Procedure & General Information

Casa Children


Children are usually split between 2 rooms PreCasa Group (all the children under the age of 31 months)​ Casa Group (all the children between 30 months and 6 years old) The groups will alternate between the PreCasa 1 room and the PreCasa 2 room for the younger children the Casa 1 room and the Casa 2 room for the older children


Walk up to your child's classroom *Casa children: have your child undress and hang their outdoor clothes and footwear at their

Drop-Off Hours

For security reasons, the school's front door is locked when not monitored by our staff. 

Our drop-off hours are between 7-9 daily. The door is unlocked until 10. 

After 10:00

Expect A LONGER Drop-Off No screener on duty Ring the doorbell Expect few minutes delay for answer Someone will either come downstairs or answer through the doorbell camera speaker

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