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Due to high demands, TBM cannot offer immediate admission to our pre-Casa or our Casa program at this time, please review how you can join our active waitlist. 

Getting Started

Do you think Trillium Bilingual Montessori is the right fit for your family?

We are happy to help you through the process of joining our program.  

Step 1-Join the OneList Waitlist

Trillium Bilingual Montessori is a licensed childcare program in the Region of Waterloo and used the Region of Waterloo OneList waitlist portal. 

Tip: Most of our openings happen between July to September yearly. Keep that in mind when you enter your "preferred start date" on your OneList application. 

In the meantime, you can view our Parent Handbook for more details on our program. 

Step 2-Waiting for Email

When we have an opening for a child of the age you require and that is within 1-3 months of your preferred start date:

  • TBM will contact you via email when we have an opening for your child/ren. 

  • You will have 24 hours to respond to our initial email. 

Remember to:

  • keep your information up to date

  • delete your account if you no longer need care to avoid receiving emails from TBM

Step 3

After you receive an email from TBM:

  • make sure to answer the email

  • confirm you still want a space for your child

  • confirm your preferred start date

  • receive a registration package

  • complete and return the registration forms

  • receive a start date

  • read the Parent Handbook for 

  • Children refine their social skills, follow classroom routines, extend their vocabulary, learning to read, write, math equations and perfect their fine and gross motor skills.

    About Our Programs

    Our Casa Program (31 mths-6 years)

    Children learn social skills, classroom routines, verbal skills along with various gross and fine motor skills. This program prepares the child to enter our Casa program. Children must be at least 15 months, walking and able to follow programing to register in this program.

    Our Pre-Casa Program (18 mths-30mths)

  • TBM is now part of the CWELCC program (aka $10/day childcare) TBM is excited to start offering lower fees as we work towards a $10/day national childcare program. In accordance with the CWELCC program, TBM's program fees have been reduced.  TBM OFFERS FULL TIME PROGRAMS ONLY ​ Prices listed are all inclusive, there's no HST on childcare fees.  All program fees are tax deductible. Parents will receive an annual fee receipt for tax purposes. If you have any questions, please contact us.

  • One List

    In accordance with the Region of Waterloo Children Services licensed child care center requirements, Trillium Bilingual Montessori uses the OneList Waterloo Region as our exclusive and only waitlist registry. 

    Parents must register on OneList to join our waitlist and spaces are offered in accordance with our TBM Wait List Policy.

    *Priority is given to siblings of children already registered and attending TBM.

    Once parents have added a child to our waitlist, they will receive an acknowledgement email.

    - To book a tour of our facilities, contact us.

    - Parents can update, change, or delete a child’s application at any time.

    - Occasionally parents may receive an email to confirm they are still looking for a space for their child.

    - Parents must respond to emails in a timely fashion to maintain their place on the waitlist.

    - We will contact parents when an opening becomes available for a child.

    - A quick response before the deadline given will ensure parents can successfully secure a space for their child.

    - Details about the registration process will be emailed to parents once they confirm they want the available spot.


    Trillium Bilingual Montessori Child Care Centre Waiting List Policy and Procedures can be viewed here.

  • The First Day-What to Expect

    What To Expect on The First Day...Tips and Tricks

    Childcare Is A BIG Decision

    Choosing the perfect childcare center and program for your child and your family is probably one of the biggest decisions that you have made for your child thus far. 

    It is not only a difficult decision to make, it is a big adjustment for everyone in the family. It's a new routine for everyone, a new environment and new people to get to know. And of course (maybe) it's the first time your child is away from you for this long of a period. 

    The realization that your child will now have a 'life' outside of your 'family bubble' is one that can be overwhelming for many parents.

    At TBM, we recognize this and want to minimize your anxiety and stress as much as possible. 

    View more her​e

  • Daily Reports and Pictures

    Lilio App Download

    Daily communication with parents/guardians is very important to us. To keep parents updated about their children's day, we use a daily communication app called Lilio (formerly Hi Mama).  Hi Lilio is used by classroom teachers or by the administration to send messages, emails or SMS. This is where teachers post daily summaries of the children's overall day, pictures of the children working during the day, short videos and direct messages or SMS. Parents can comment on pictures, answer emails, write new emails to the teachers or administration, view their child's daily progress report which includes pictures, teacher comments, washroom/diaper use/changes, menu, quantity of lunch/snacks eaten, general overall mood, etc. Mandatory advising of your child's absence can be done by marking their child absent and adding a reason for absence. The Lilio app is free for parents to download and use. Here is a short video introduction to the Lilio App.  Response Time/Voicemail At any time, parents can email or call the program supervisor for any reason. We are always available to answer your questions and assist you.  Please remember that the teachers and supervisors/administrators are busy caring for your child and ensuring they are receiving the best quality programming during the day.  Though we try to answer messages quickly and answer the phone when ringing, there are times that are busier or simply too busy for us to be available. We will answer messages and return phone calls as soon as we are able to.  There are several children per classroom, therefore we ask that you keep your messages and phone calls for important matters and don't abuse the direct communication with your child's teacher. ​ Abuse or Overuse  In the instance where parents continually message or call for matters that can be solved or discussed at drop off or pick up, the program supervisor will warn the parent. If abuse of the service persists, the parent's account will be restricted or suspended.  Children always come first!

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